Monday 6 February 2012

Review Layout By Holly King

As  part of the project we have to write a review of our short film in the style of little white lies reviews. We have both written the review and must now design the layout of our Review, in the same style of little white lies.

Below is a image of a little white lies Review in the printed copy:

Little White Lies Film Review
 As you can see there is a number of things we have had to copy, in order to make sure our review looks like it is from Little White Lies. These things being:

  • Image- Central landscape image across the top of the page, with rounded edges. Use Screen Shot from film.
  • Title- Film name below image-Left Aligned. Large Font (Same Size as the letter at the start of the Review/Dropped Capital Letter).
  • Font- The Title and Dropped Capital Letter must be in the same font- This is a font that Little White Lies Own- So we have to find a font similar to that used.
  • Font Style- Need to look at where bold/italic letters are used, and use them in the same way in our review.
  • Main Text- Written across 3 Columns (55mm In width)-Settings set so that once the first column is filled, the text will flow over into the second column and so on.
  • Divides- The main article and the summarised review/Rating at the end, are divided by thin double lines.
After Analysing these Reviews I have designed my own design in adobe illistrator-It is unfinised however a screen shot below shows my work so far.

Screen Shot of The Review I have designed

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