Thursday 8 December 2011

Pre-production Planning: Initial Group decisions By Holly King

  • Genre/Style- Drama with a twist, emotional film about a boy who is imagining his recently deceased friend.
  • Narrative- Short film about a boy whos best friend has recently died. His isolates him self from reality and real human contact and endulges in the company of his friend (using his imagination). Only at the end of the short film do we realise his friend he has been spending the day with, is not real; As we are lead to believe he exists throughout the film.
  • Target Audience- Young adults/Teenagers, who may be able to relate. (15-25)

Mise en Scene:
  • Lighting
  • Costume designs/Hair Make-up Young Female, Young males and Mother
  • Setting and Location
  • Camera Work
  • Camera Shots/storyboard
  • Props
  • Facial Expression and Body Language will be important in our short film to help set the mood and also represent the characters. The main character will have quite a shy, unconfident body language and the characters emotion will change throughout. Characters such as the mother and Young girl will have quite concerned facial expresson to show they are worried about Jake.

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