Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Poster Design Ideas By Holly King

Poster Idea:

  • This is another poster I have designed on photoshop.
  • We decided to stick with a computer designed poster, as opposed to a hand drawn one-as I do not feel my drawings would be good enough and also there are more effects we can add by designing poster digitally.
  • This poster uses the cartoon text-doodle like.
  • I have decided to stick with the pastel colours of pale green and pink-as i feel this sets the correct mood for our film and is also significant as it is the colour scheme of her bedroom (in which the film is set).
  • I have decided to include both the slinky and the wind up toy in this poster design as they give us a clue as to what the film is about.
  • I have also included an image of the girl in the background-out of focus, to show her insignificance but also so we know who the film is about.
  • I have chosen to stick with central allignment, however this is something I will experiment with in different designs.

1 comment:

  1. I do really like this. You need to anchor the images of the teeth and the slinky with the tagline though, and this should convey that bitter-sweet idea of diversion from loneliness I think. But this is a lovely image, and the shallow depth of field works well.
