Wednesday 4 January 2012

Pre-production planning: Costume, hair and make up By Holly King


As we changed the characters we also had to re-plan our costume design. Our only character was a 18 year old female. In our short film we use 3 different costumes (as we are filming 3 days of the girls life). The 3 different outfits were:
  • Day 1 - Casual clothes
  • Day 2 - Casual clothes
  • Nightwear/Pyjamas
We decided to represent the girl as a modern representation, as our short film is set in modern life and feel a modern representation would work best (girl character is not dressed up in traditionally femenine clothing to appeal to men). We also feel this is a more realistic representation of women in modern day life. The clothing we wi use will be femenine however not dressed up to appeal to men (The costume is similar to that of the female character in the hostr film we previously planned to do).

During the daytime she will be wearing clothing items like the below:

During the night time and early morning she will be wearing nightwear similar to that below:
Make up and Hair
  • We decided use subtle make up when filming our short film to fit in with the modern representation of women not being sex objects. We decided that Freya would only wear mascara in the short film, as it is subtle but still shows she cares about her appearance.
  • We also decided to leave the actresses hair as natural to tie in with our representation of women. Her hair is long and wavey to show her femeninity, however it is natural to show she is not trying to impress.

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