Wednesday 4 January 2012

Pre-production planning: Props By Holly King

After being unable to film our previous short film idea due to several constraints, we had to re-plan our short film. After planning our story outline we had to think about what props we would need.
Our short film is showing the repetative life of a bored and lonely young girl. In order to show her boredom, we needed to show how she passing time and entertains herself. Through brainstorming we decided the use the props:
  • slinky toy
  • Ipod
  • Wind up toy
  • Book
  • laptop - significant to story line, showing her checking social networking site and has no friends online
The slinky toy, ipod, wind up toy and book are all props that show how she passes time and entertains herself.

1 comment:

  1. Ok - you should explain the role of some of these intriguing items - eg the slinky? Do try to make this visually interesting.
