Monday 30 January 2012

Review Analysis By Holly King

Before writing the review we had to look at current reviews (we used ) so we could analyse the content and order of the text and the different things they included in reviews.
Below is a review by Little White Lies on 'The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo'. I have analysed the review so that we have an idea as to how we should write our review and what to include and also try and use similar laguage techniques as those using in the reviews by this company (For example they use a lot of creative language, complex nouns, adjectives and metaphors).

I have done more work on designing the poster (as photoshop is something I am talented at), however English Lanuage is not one of my strong areas, and because Freya is completing an A Level in English, She has better Language skills and so this will be useful when writing the review. I will work more on the layout of the article.

  • Me and Freya have both looked at reviews and the review tends to open with Aknowledgements (In this example it is the novel)-Followed by other aknowledgements such as actors, director and so on.
  • This is then followed by a plot summary and then forks off to comment on individual scenes of the film and also the critics opinion.
  • This is then followed by a concluded review, as shown in the box at the bottom (This is sometimes in the form of a paragraph too).

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