Thursday 5 January 2012

Pre-Production Planning: Our Story/Narrative By Holly King

The story shows the girls dailey routines over a period of 3 days and how her normal boring routine is disturbed.
  • The First sequence of shot shows the girl waking up in the morning and getting dressed (These shots run in quick succession)
  • The girl then checks her facebook account and has '0' Friends-the girl looks sad however continues with her day
  • There is then a shot of her watch reading the time-this then fades into another shot of the watch showing a later time (by an hour or so)
  • There is then shots of the girl fulfilling activities to keep her entertained (such as reading a book)
  • following this there is a repetative sequence of shots showing time passing again and her doing more activitys. This is to emphasise her lonely and uneventful/uninteresting days
  • In the evening the girl goes to sleep, and wakes up the following morning, repeating the same processes as the previous day (to emphasise the repetativeness of her routine)
  • Throughout the day similar events take place as the previous day and once again we watch the time pass by on her watch
  • In the evening however, she unexpectadly recieves a friend request on facebook from a young man (She does not know however she is happy to have company)
  • She then starts talking to this boy and is happy to have company
  • The following morning she wakes up early and happy (unlike her usual routine), she is excited to talk to the boy and does not get changed as she would normally. Instead she jumps up to talk to the boy online
  • However when she opens her facebook, she reads a message from the boy saying 'sorry I thought you were someone else'
  • She checks her friends and once again has '0' friends
  • The girl is sad however returns bacl to her normal routine

1 comment:

  1. OK - This is a simple story, and so I do think that you'll need to work quite creatively with camera and editing to create interest and show capability. What tone are you expecting to create? How do you expect to create interest in your target audience?
