Thursday 5 January 2012

Pre-Production Planning Script By Freya

Internet conversation on Facebook email, between Polly Evans and Thomas Davidson:      

Second Day:
Thomas Davidson:          Hey, nice profile picture :)
Polly Evans:                    Thanks, how do I know you? :D
Thomas Davidson:          I've seen you around college
Polly Evans:                    Oh :) what are you doing?
Thomas Davidson:          Just listening to the vaccines and   talkin to you
Polly Evans:                    I love the vaccines!
Thomas Davidson:         sweet!
Polly Evans:                    [Do you wanna hang out?<3] deletes and writes something else: cool :)
Thomas Davidson:         I g2g, maybe I'll talk to you tommorow?  or we should hang out sometime.
Polly Evans:                 Okay :D

Last Day:
Thomas Davidson:      Sorry, i thought you were somebody else' 

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